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ABOUT My Simple Emes

My name is MashaFaygel Tokayer and I have a thing for seagulls.  (Faygel, my middle name, is Yiddish for bird; that may explain why…)  I grew up in Rockaway, New York, spending a good part of my childhood and teenage years on the shores of Rockaway Beach.  Watching seagulls was my hobby. I observed them; I sketched them; I spoke with them and I even wanted to be one.  Sometimes, while standing on the jetty on a windy day, I could almost feel what it would be like to fly.  I could feel that freedom.

I was not much of a reader in high school but when Richard Bach’s

book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull came out, I bought it.  The

photos were amazing…and the story even more so.  I identified

completely with Jonathan Livingston Seagull – the seagull that

had to follow his truth, test his flight abilities and go beyond. 

He was different because he chose to live his truth, to listen to his

inner voice; He chose to be himself even if it meant being shunned

by the flock – even if it meant failing and learning from his mistakes.


I admired that. I admit that much of my life my truth was buried.  By the time we reach adulthood we allow our truth to be buried beneath layers of lies, fears and doubts.


We start believing what the flock is saying and forget who we really are.  We forget our magnificence; we forget our infinite potential and value. We journey through our lives just 'flapping around from place to place'.


Somehow, despite everything, Hashem (our Creator) pulled me out now and then from under the layers and helped me be who I believe He created me to be – a wife, mother, breastfeeding counselor, author – all geared towards learning and practicing the gifts of womanhood, motherhood and helping me inspire women simply by speaking my emes – my truth.


One thing you can be sure of:  If we go on living a lie, the Creator will send signals to wake us up.   In February 2017, I got the signal of my life.  Lymphoma.  

                                                          With my life literally at risk I realized that I absolutely must wake up                                                                            and live my  truth - to shed the beliefs that until now have held me                                                                            back from fully being me.  This website is literally part of my healing.  


                                                          I am told that my words have a tendency to inspire others to seek,                                                                              identify and live their truth and to find meaning in their lives.  This                                                                            is how My Simple Emes came about.


                                                                  We are so blessed and we sometimes have trouble seeing the gifts      because we are so disconnected from the Source.  My Simple Emes  is my attempt to put a spot light on the things that make life meaningful for me.  It is my hope that you, dear readers, will join me in  flight as we soar, dip, and dive – each in her unique style and at her own pace. 

The first step is to be prepared to lift off the secure and comfortable shore. Please subscribe and join the growing number of truth-seeking individuals around the globe.  I look forward to flying with you! 

                     Masha Faygel 



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