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Prayer Requesting Truth

Dear Abba, Master of the Universe,  He Who knows all and sees all:  

The world You created runs on supreme Truth.  There is nothing else.  I crave that Truth.  How I wish to bring myself to live in pure truth.  I want to serve You completely.  For that service to be complete and whole, I need to see the Truth - Your Emes - free of illusion and self-serving emotions - in a place where I am one with You and Your Will.  Thank You for creating me, for caring for me, for loving me.  Thank You for teaching me about Your Oneness.  Where I am One with You, I am One with all of Creation.

Please, I beg of You, bring me purity of heart and clarity.  Please open me to the Awareness of Your Oneness and help me cling to that awareness.  Help me bring You and Your Truth into my everyday life, thereby spreading Your Light in this world.  Guide me in my work.  Help me to feel my place from purity of heart disengaged from ego.

May it be  Your Will, that  awareness of the One Source of All continues to grow and expand within me and in all others.

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