Is it Really all About Me?

Occasionally I catch myself being petty or selfish. I'm usually standing in my kitchen being upset about one thing or another. All of a sudden I catch a 'glimpse' of the thoughts running through my head and I have to stop and ask myself 'MashaFaygel, do you really think it's all about you?'
Yep. That's the question. When I don't want to put myself out for someone else...when I think I'm not being appreciated enough...when I see the world as revolving around my own needs, I ask myself out loud, 'Is it really all about me?'
In these situations there is something more than just lack of flexibility, empathy, and/or understanding of other(s). It's really about me looking at the world from a very closed off and separate space. I put up a divider between myself and the rest of the universe, not to mention G-d. Then I put a zoom lens onto myself and magnify myself and my view point a few thousand times. There; now that I've got a clear view I can get down on the rest of the world.
Hmmm...what's wrong with this picture? I was thinking about this and one would tend to think, MashaFaygel, the world most definitely does NOT revolve around you. But then, there is a paradox. I am here so I must be pretty important. Otherwise Hashem (the Creator) would not have me hanging around. Then again, if I am here only to serve myself, what good would that do for His world? Does it help the world for me to always be right or to put myself ahead of everyone else all of the time?

Our actions and thoughts take on a global capacity when we realize that what we think, say and do impact the world we live in. Once we have this consciousness, we can choose thoughts, words and actions that will affect our surroundings in a positive way. We can even choose to change our petty and small thoughts to something better, simply by understanding that we are here to serve the Creator. We may even notice that in these challenging moments, Hashem is actually offering us an opportunity to see ourselves more clearly and take note of the things we need to work on.
The twist is, it really IS a focus on self, yet from a much larger place.
This requires zooming out and seeing ourselves as an integral part of a bigger reality. It is no longer me against the world. It's WE and it's US. When everything falls into its truthful place within ME, everything will fall into place with everyone else.

When I believe that I best serve my purpose when I am unique in the whole scheme of things while at the same time a very integral part of the big picture, I am more apt to take an active role in dumping the pettiness and embracing the other. When I take small steps to correct my lackings, I am taking major steps towards a better humanity.
So YES, put a spotlight on yourself and your actions; but first make sure you are working within the larger frame of the world. Believe that every tiny reflection and step towards unity is a gigantic step towards redemption.
We can each take an active role in the process of redemption. If you
find yourself in a tight little box, it's a clear sign that it's time to zoom out. If you find yourself acting as if it's all about you, turn it around by zooming out long enough to realize it's only about you when you are working within the bigger picture.
May we all merit the correct lens through which to see things with a deeper awareness and consciousness of the world around us and our magnificent place in it.