Connecting the Dots
We learn at a very young age to connect the dots in order to get the big picture. As we mature, the details of life begin to weigh down on us. We may find ourselves intensively dealing with individual dots. We can get caught up in the details and end up allowing the bigger picture to fall away from our consciousness.
Over recent months, and particularly the last few weeks, I have been making it my business to connect the dots in the larger picture of relationships in my life. I have begun to view the people in my life as dots while the big picture is a life filled with connection, caring, and love.
It has been extremely worth while to return to relationships which were so meaningful when I was younger. The distance was not caused by malice nor by conscious effort. Rather, the business of raising children and our move to Israel more than 30 years ago, simply caused us to drift apart. Last summer, a very dear friend from my college years made her first trip to Israel - TO VISIT ME! In a matter of seconds of being together, it was as if there had been no separation of time or space. It was a magnificent week spent together like old buddies.
I have recently developed an email relationship with a cousin with whom I have literally had no contact since childhood. It has developed into something so precious for us both. Cousins are popping up like mushrooms (tasty ones!) as we renew relationships that had lay dormant for very long. And most recently, I have begun to Skype with two of them.
I noticed how happy and cheerful - almost gleeful - I feel after our Skype calls. The joy lasts for days!
Research shows that connecting with people is good for our physical and emotional well-being.
Reaching out to others offers us the opportunity to leave our self-centered world while expressing sincere interest in others. I feel as though a lot of pathways - mental and emotional - are opening due to this conscious change I have made. And it feels amazing!
It's not only about old friends and relatives. It's enlightening to see how we can create a sense of connection even with strangers. This week, my husband and I went into a natural foods shop. We were probably there a total of 5 minutes. We left with a lot more than almonds and walnuts. We came away with such a feeling of good cheer. The staff was so cheerful, it was contagious. What smiles! What senses of humor! What an experience.
It was then I decided to get this blog going. The feeling of sunshine in your heart, created by simply opening up to the other is Divine. We were created to relate to one another. We can create good vibrations that echo throughout the world simply by allowing others into our space and our hearts.
My husband and I returned to the shop; it was still buzzing with smiles and cheerfulness. I asked our new friends, Ronen and Shmaryahu, if they would pose for a picture for my blog. and here they are:
Somewhere in Givat Shmuel in Israel, there is a shop called Al Hamishkal run by two individuals who love their work, love people and in addition to selling their products, they are giving away smiles for free.
Do you have a friend or relative who has been put on the back burner? Do you know of someone who lives alone who could benefit from contact with another human being? Are you willing to reach out and touch someone who needs human contact? Even a smile can make a big difference to someone's day - a real heart-felt smile. I sometimes wonder - who receives the greatest benefit? - the 'smiler' or the 'smilee'. A smile will cost you a split second. An email, maybe 5 minutes, a phone call .... as long as you like.
How much time do we spend on our phones and computers simply because we 'get carried away' ? How about choosing to connect the dots of people in your life? I'm not talking about Facebook and Linked-in. I'm talking about one on one, real life meaningful relationships. I believe we reap the dividends in both this world and in the next.
We are all dots in the big picture of humanity.
Life is so filled with beautiful things that make us glow from the inside out. Sharing what you have to offer comes right back to you. Imagine us all glowing outward lighting up Creation. It's so simple and it's the realest thing there is.
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Shabbat shalom,