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It's Simple

The simple things things in life can be the deepest. They are so simple we may overlook them or maybe neglect to give them the proper attention. Every day Hashem (the Creator) sends us beautiful gifts - gifts which can really serve to enhance our sense of His Presence in our lives.

I've mentioned in previous blogs that I keep a Thank You Book - a log of daily thank you's to Hashem. Whenever I'm feeling alone in this big world, I pull out my Thank You Books and skim through the pages. My usual thought response is, 'How could I have forgotten how very loved I am?'

It's easy to be grateful for the wonderful things in life. Yet, as we all know, sometimes life has its way of surprising us with very uncomfortable challenges. During those times we have a choice. We can get knocked down and stay down or pick ourselves up and move forward. I do my best to make entries in my Thank You Book even during challenging times. This is a tool that keeps me moving forward.

I have found that when I sit in a quiet place with my journal open and simply ponder the events of the day that passed, I will ALWAYS find things to be grateful for.

Many times, these are the simplest things in the world, yet for me they represent a wink and a smile, a hug and a caress from He Who created all things.

We are so often told (and rightly so) that we should be grateful daily for our legs, our eyes, the air we breathe...etc. I want to share and suggest that beyond or in addition to these things, there are the little 'communications' between Him and us that are so sweet and should not be overlooked. It is via those things that we feel a truly personal relationship with the One.

Last week, for instance, I was so touched by a few of Hashem's 'communications' with me that even after writing them down in my Thank You Book, I still cannot get them out of my mind. And every time I am reminded of each of them, a smile automatically forms on my face. Curious? OK I'll share:

1 I love stuffed animals. I've loved them since childhood when they made up my secret life under the blankets. My daughter has the same love for stuffed animals. Recently, when she flew to New York, I gave her my tiny Teddy bear to take with her.

I was taking a walk and thinking about my daughter and how glad I was to have given her a 'piece of me' to have on hand. I had to stop in my tracks as a huge garbage truck was completely blocking the narrow walk path. I squeezed by the side of the truck and as I approached the front of it, I noticed things hanging off the driver's door and off the entire front of the truck. It was more than amusing to see that the driver had been collecting discarded stuffed animals! There must have been 40 decrepit animals of all shapes and sizes, and in ALL kinds of conditions! Come on! wouldn't that make you smile?!

2 After a particularly long and grueling day, I received the following message in my phone from one of my daughters:

"Thank you so much for visiting. You are so strong and full of life and happiness. I LOVE YOU." Need I say more?

3 I was at a friend's house and noticed the new table cloth on her kitchen table. I complimented her on it and began day dreaming of looking for something similar. The following day I found a large piece of fabric thrown on top of some other items being tossed away. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was just the style and size I could use for my kitchen table! I brought it home, laundered it and here it is...

My Thank You Book is for sincere expressions of thanks. It is not for expressions of gratitude pertaining to lofty things I do not feel in my heart. I keep it simple. The way to Infinite Love is to meet Him from your heart space - not someone else's.

So, what about you? If you haven't begun such a practice in your daily routine, maybe this would be a good time to invest in a nice notebook and begin. If you would like to share your thoughts or experiences publicly, please comment below. Otherwise, you can contact me privately by clicking here. I'd love to hear from you.

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Blessings to us all for a gratitude filled life,


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