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Crochet Anyone?

It seemed like the perfect idea. After years of knitting, embroidery, and applique, I decided to learn to crochet. In truth, I always felt a bit threatened by the crochet hook and the speed with which I have watched others work. What is even more threatening are those super-even stitches, straight rows and gorgeous final results.

I'm 61 years old and have been perfectly fine going along my merry way knitting baby blankets, scarves, and afghans for myself and others. Why start something new when I'm doing so well with my simple knitting projects?

And so, after 50 years of knitting, I decided to take on the dreaded crochet hook. After all, today tutorials abound on YouTube. I decided it was time because I need to create new grooves in my brain; because I need to move a bit out of my comfort zone and try it already; because I finished the afghan I had been knitting over the past 6 months (yes, I am very slow) and I felt it was time for a new creative endeavor.

Crochet for Beginners

How to Single Crochet

Beginner Crochet

Slow Crochet Video for Beginners

Crochet for Absolute Beginners

Crochet for Absolute Idiots!

I've watched them all. I watched and I ventured out to the local hobby shop and bought the necessary materials. I watched them all again. I attempted to follow the instructions. In each video, the presenter completes a small swatch of the most perfect stitches.

While I am still stuck on how to wrap the darn yarn around my fingers properly, they are producing perfection.... ''Try to keep the 'proper tension'.... what does that mean?? I absolutely DID learn what NO tension means, as the yarn kept finding its way off my fingers. I found myself holding the silly thing in ways never shown on any of the videos - only to get to the point....over and over again...where I had no choice but to rip it out and start again.

I approached friends and relatives who crochet and everyone held the hook differently; everyone held the yarn differently ---'You have to find what's comfortable for you.' Honestly? Nothing is comfortable for me! 'You need to practice.' No kidding! Practice what? I keep having to rip it out before it even looks like anything!

Frustration is not the word... But something in me was building up. It was borderline resentment, borderline rage and an extreme sensation that 'I will not give up! I will get it. I will keep going until I get it right! '

I simply decided that I will be consistent in my efforts. I will put in a little bit of time daily and I will pray for success.

Ah! You're wondering why someone would pray for the ability to learn to crochet ? Doesn't G-d have better things to do with His time?

So this is My Simple Emes: ​​

The challenge grew to become ​​something so much larger than yarn and a crochet hook. It has become an avoda (work of the heart). I am asking for fortitude, faith in my ability to succeed - faith that even in this area, Hashem (the Creator) is with me. If I can master anything here, it will be the ability to take on a challenge, leave my comfort zone, and come out feeling creative and successful.... KNOWING that there is no corner in my life void of prayer and connection with the Holy One.

In truth, any time we take on a new project, we are opening doors for inner work. Does it matter if it's a scarf, a gourmet meal, or decorating our home? Does it make a difference if it's an attempt to eat healthier, lose weight, or reduce our time on devices? We can turn all of these into tools for inner work, for connection with ourselves and with the Creator of all things.....Especially those things which challenge us and threaten to bring us to the desperate place of giving up.

Today marks a week since I began this journey. There is slight improvement each day. And I won't lie. Pretty much, each day, I reach a moment in which I am ready to give up.

And I won't.

Because I owe it to myself to face this challenge. I'd rather practice on yarn and a crochet hook because sooner or later, the REAL life challenges appear --- The REAL sensation of being shoved out of our comfort zone. Hopefully, if my prayers and efforts do anything, they will prepare me for those events. In the meantime, maybe I'll actually come up with some crochet results :)

May we all merit the will, the work, the prayer and the successes that encourage us to keep moving forward with positive energy no matter how challenging things get.

Many Blessings,


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